IYLMButton   We begin to clear up many wrong and outright lies about what we have been told about the Scriptures and what it means for our Salvation walk with Yahushua. This is the most significant study you can embark upon and in so doing learn of Our Father's Kingdom ways, it will change your Salvation walk forever! So keep watching as we share with you the language and culture of the Hebrews and also what Yah’s language and Scriptures reveal to us as believers today. We are always learning and growing in His Truth and understanding and will adjust our information as the Ruach Elohim' directs.


The Total Teaching Will Include These Five Main Sections:

“Hey Yesod The Foundation”
“The Moedim’ ”
“Keep My Commandments”
“Grafted In (The One New Man)”

The first series of teachings we will be presenting are the “Hey Yesod” which is Hebrew for The Foundation. This will be a 6 part in depth study with each part containing multiple parts to grab a hold of and review as many times as you wish so you might learn more and more.

Part 1 “Hey Yesod” will contain these main topics:

The Introduction
The Basics of Covenant
What is Torah
Jewish Practices (Mishna and Talmud)
Applications and what is done away with
Conclusions and back to the beginning

These are viewable at any of the following sites:

YouTube Rumble Vimeo